Winnifrede Kennedy Scholarships: $2000
The History Department is pleased to offer the Winnifrede Kennedy Scholarships, awarded to a number of students who have declared history as their major or double major and are entering their second full year of study with a high GPA. No application is necessary: all declared history majors or double majors with high GPAs in their first year and at least one history course with a mark of A- or better will automatically be considered for the scholarship. The award is for $2,000 and is tenable for one year only. Students receiving the award must be enrolled in at least 12 units of history in the year in which it is held.
Winnifrede Kennedy grants
Winnifrede Kennedy Study Abroad Travel Grants: $500
The Winnifrede Kennedy Study Abroad Travel Grant is a grant for History majors taking a semester abroad in Level III. The number of grants to be disbursed will depend on the number of the applicants and availability of funds, and will be awarded on a competitive basis (applicant average in History courses to date). Applicants need to supply evidence that they have been accepted or have applied for a study abroad opportunity for the coming year (proof of acceptance will be required for disbursement of funds), an academic transcript of all undergraduate studies taken to date, and a 250-word statement about why studying abroad is important for their intellectual development. For the academic year 2023-2024, the deadline for application is September 30th, 2023.
Winnifrede Kennedy Practicum Course Grants: $100
The Practicum Course Grant is a competitive grant for Level IV History majors taking the 4HP3 experiential practicum course or other experiential learning opportunities, to help cover travel and other research-related expenses (no expense reports will be required). Applications must include evidence of registration in 4HP3 or another experiential learning course, and on a written statement of no more than 250 words indicating why the applicant is taking the experiential learning opportunity. For the academic year 2023-2024, the application deadline is September 30th, 2023.
Winnifrede Kennedy Research Grant: $250
The Winnifrede Kennedy Research Grant is a competitive grant to be awarded to students undertaking the full-year Level IV independent research course History 4RP6 A/B. This course has a minimum GPA of 10.0 for admission, and for History Majors awarded an Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA). This grant is to be used for research expenses related to the course. Receipts of research expenses will be required at the end of the course. Applications for the award must include a short letter from the supervisor of the History 4RP6 course and their academic transcript. For the academic year 2023-2024, the application deadline is September 30th, 2023.